We’re asking God for 1,000 Partners World Wide!​
Why Partners?
To multiply our ability to answer the number one question of the human heart – "Why am I here?"
To reverse Dr. Greenman’s vision of the sea of people at the end of their lives who realized they did not fulfill their God-given purpose.
To help facilitate believers' Kingdom Purposes on a global scale.
What is a Partner?
Matthew 10:41 Jesus said, "If you receive a prophet or a righteous man you receive their rewards."
1. A partner enjoys the same anointing, rewards, and favor as the ones they partner with. This principle is seen throughout the Bible beginning with Abraham and Lot, Moses and Joshua, Joseph and Potiphar, Elijah and the widow, David and his mighty men, Jesus filled Peter's boat and his fishing partners boat, Jesus empowered the 70 and the 12 for miracles. We stand boldly on this truth for all of our partners.
2. For GPS7, a partner is a person or company that agrees to through prayer, commerce, or financial support, help us fulfill our mission of "changing the expression of God's Kingdom in the earth in a single generation," as we help every believer in Christ learn how to find and fulfill their Kingdom Purpose. We have 3 types of partners:
Affiliates (commerce)
Publisher Team:
​Great was the company who published the good news. Psalm 68:11
These are our general fund Partners and the foundation of all we do. Every course we create, book or workbook we publish, podcast or other media we engage – it’s all possible because of the generosity of those who donate one time or each month.
Freedom Team:
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:31
This Partner level allows us to partner with well-established ministries, such as Youth For Christ and Prison Book Project, to send large volumes of our materials to juvenile detention centers, prisons, teen parents, and the less fortunate in the USA and other nations on a monthly basis.
Legacy Team:
​Entrust to faithful men who will teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2
This Partner level is completely dedicated to funding our investment into changing the lives of the youth of America and the nations using established education systems such as high schools, homes schools, and higher education and also live events and mass media. We also work with nationals in each nation who have relationships with the leaders of the 7 Mountains of Influence in their countries. We have been working on 5 continents with Life Christian University since 2001; established Purpose International Kenya in 2007, and are working with local leaders in Nigeria and the UK as well.
Click this link: Partner Team for more information
What is an Affiliate?
A person to whom we will pay a 30% or more commission* per month on all they sell of our materials to those interested in finding and fulfilling their personal Kingdom Purpose. (*certain minimums apply)
Your Affiliates Membership Benefits include but are not limited to:
Daily prayer from the GPS7 staff.
Special Social media groups.
Free Training on becoming a highly effective Affiliate.
Personal website to track your sales/customers/commissions.
Custom personal store links for websites and social media posts.
Earn commissions on GPS7 resources purchased by your referals.
Discounts on products, events, t-shirts, & other GPS7 items.
Click this link: Affiliates for more information
Are influential people who have the ability and the will to take our Purpose Institute vision to the leaders of the 7 Spheres of Societal Influence in their nation. ​
Click this email link: Ambassadors for us to contact you directly.
Our first Ambassador is Pastor Michael Masambu in Kenya, Africa. Since 2007 he & his teams have influenced the government, the educational system, commerce, churches, built schools, addressed community needs, and have trained many others with the Prophetic Kingdom Purpose message across Kenya and other nations.