Trade: Confusion for Clarity
Frustration for Focus
Doubt for Confidence
Most people struggle their entire life wondering why they were born, what their purpose is, or if they have any meaning in this life.
In fact, a recent survey of young people age 18-29 revealed that 89% believe their life has no meaning and no purpose.
Question: Why do they feel that way?
Answer: Because no one is showing them how to find their God-given Prophetic Blueprint in a proven, practical, systematic way.
Many voices are telling them they should follow their passion – but rarely do those voices give them a practical step-by-step system to actually find the Blueprint God has for them or how to fulfill it.
That is not ok!
What if you never find that Prophetic Blueprint you were created for?
What if the confusion never lifts off of you?
What if you stay stuck in the hopeless cycle of wanting to know but never finding God’s will for you?
What if you doubt your value and your self worth for the rest of your life?
Can you have the highest confidence and productivity if you don't know you are doing what you were created for?
Is that how you want to live?
Is that how you want anyone to live?
Of course not!
To Avoid That You Must Avoid This Vision I Had!
In 1997 I was writing my 3rd book on how to find your God-given purpose.
My 13 year old son was deep into the drug world of Dallas, TX and in trouble with the law. This lasted for 2 years!
One day while trying to write my book I was so discouraged I said to God,
“I can’t do this any more. I’m not the guy to teach this. My life and my family are a mess!”
I put my head down on my writing desk and I was instantly in heaven.
In front of me was a Christian man standing before Jesus at the end of his life.
Jesus asked him compassionately yet firmly, “Why didn’t you do what I created you for?”
The man was weeping and heart-sick and said, “I wanted to, but I didn’t know how to find out what it was. I didn’t know what to do, where to look.” He was so broken and sad because he knew he had let the Lord down by missing his purpose in life.
Then I saw millions of people behind him, all broken and crying just as he was because they also hadn’t found and lived their Kingdom purposes for Him.
My heart was breaking for these believers who realized they had missed the Lord’s will for them and had deeply disappointed Him.
Then Jesus turned to me, pointed His finger at me and said very sternly, “Why didn’t you teach them!”
I was instantly back in my office - totally stunned by the huge responsibility Jesus had just revealed to me. It shook me to the core of my being.
I knew then I had to do everything I could to change that vision to one where the people were filled with joy because they had found and fulfilled their personal Prophetic Kingdom Blueprints.
That's why I don’t want you or anyone else to be one of those who are weeping before the Lord on your day of accounting.
Like me, I know you want to be one who is confident that you’ll hear Him say,
“Well done! Enter into the joy of your King!”
But how do you do that?


I'm Bill Greenman, and my Kingdom Blueprint trainings have been helping hundreds of thousands of people on 5 continents for over 40 years discover their God-given purpose, and supplied them with the tools they needed to live them with confidence.
I want to help you find and achieve your Prophetic Blueprint also, so you can live in the highest possible confidence, joy, and productivity.
God's Prophetic Blueprint for your life will create the plan of your Destiny to live the life God created you for. And He will supply the power, tools, and people you'll need to Achieve it all.
BLUEPRINT speaks of the specific plans God has already written and will reveal to you to build together.
My "YOUR PROPHETIC KINGDOM BLUEPRINT COURSE" is a proven set of principles, universal laws, and Accelerated Leaning Activities we've taught for over 4 decades to inspire, educate, and change the lives of people around the world.
No more fear of missing the life God meant for you.
No more pain of aimless existence .
No more wondering who you might have been.
Now you can join those who are living their Kingdom dreams
In this video series you'll learn:
Exactly why you must find and fulfill your Prophetic Blueprint
Where to find your Blueprint from the Lord
Where your Blueprint fits in the 7 Realms of Societal Influence
How to build an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit
To be fluent in the Language of the Holy Spirit
How to implement the Kingdom Absolute Confirmation System so you'll never wonder again if God spoke to you. (Many of my students have said this one teaching alone is worth the entire price of the course!)
Why you have special gifts
How to discover your gifts
How to use your gifts properly
Why you have dreams and desires
Why dreams & desires are vital to your purpose
The #1 Key to God fulfilling your desires
The power of Kingdom planning
The 6 Master Resources of all plans
Three specific ways to plan anything the Lord
leads you to do -
Fulfilling your Blueprint even when you don’t think
you have one yet -
The Divine Power in the gift of Helps
How to put the universal law of sowing and reaping
to work for your Blueprint every day -
How and why you must share with others the vision
of the Blueprint God has given you -
And more!

I was just as aimless as the next guy!
But the pain of my aimlessness led to my discovery of the Kingdom Blueprint. I'll explain.
I began drinking alcohol at the age of 12.
At 18 years old I was a thief, a habitual liar, and an aimless drunk going nowhere fast.
I had a thought, a dream from a young age, of being a professional performer of some sort, but no one ever gave me any encouragement or direction for it – or really for anything.
I tried all kinds of sports but was mediocre at best.
I was thrown out of my high school band for being disruptive.
I was grossly insecure, bullied, and lonely.
My dad was nonexistent in my life and no adult male ever encouraged me about anything until I was in college.
I changed my major 5 times in 5 years at Florida State University trying to figure out why I was on the planet.
My self-esteem was below the bottom.
Then I met Jesus and everything changed.
He led me to join FSU‘s Flying High Circus and I began to believe that dream in my heart of being a professional performer just might come true.
I met my wife in that show and graduated with a degree in speech communications in 1976.
We immediately entered into the professional circus world as trapeze artists and acrobats.
But I failed at that dream almost immediately.
After a disappointing initial season of performing and a disastrous auto accident, we ended our short professional circus careers to seek the Lord’s will for our lives.
One year later we combined our circus skills with an all-consuming desire to win souls for Christ and began Circus Alleluia Ministries (CAM).
This was when God began to show me the Purpose Blueprint principles.
As He did, I slowly discovered most every Christian I met was just as aimless as I had been, or at the least they didn’t know if the dream in their hearts was from God or not.
A few years later the Lord told me I had to begin to share the principles of the Kingdom Blueprint He’d taught me, with as many people as I could.
I’ve been doing so ever since through my books, curriculums, seminars, university level courses, and now this series of 3 online video courses.
Eventually Purpose International Ministries and now Global Purpose Strategies were born to take the Kingdom Blueprint message to the world, especially to young people who are like I was - wondering if they matter or if they really have a reason for being alive.
People ask me why I’ve spent my life teaching these principles and the answer is found in the eyes and smiles of the thousands upon thousands of people around the world who've been transformed by finding their Blueprint, and are filled with the confidence and joy of living it.
People have decided not to commit suicide after reading my books.
Others now teach the Kingdom Blueprint principles in local Christian schools, thereby multiplying my ability to reach more with this vital message.
Churches have changed their entire ministry focus after going through our courses.
National governments have asked us to let them help us reach their citizens with the Kingdom Blueprint.
My university level curriculum has been voted the favorite course by both students and faculty in Life Christian University's global campuses for 18 years.
Our purpose focused ministry in Kenya has literally reached millions.
And it’s my calling from God to do this!

Leaders Agree:
One of the books that rocked my world was “Purpose Destiny Achievement,” by Dr. Bill Greenman. The quotes, the mission, and the practical action steps became the launching pad for the most incredible days of my life - the mobilization of a prayer and fasting youth movement that culminated at The Call DC in September of 2000 and has grown internationally ever since.
Lou Engle
Founder of The Call & Lou Engle Ministries
Colorado Springs, CO USA

William Greenman's teachings on Purpose, Destiny, and Achievement provide practical, time-tested principles to help you capture your personal purpose for living. In his crisp, provocative style, he simplifies the complex, making it easy to understand the nature of destiny. I challenge you to follow his teachings and keep those principles as companions to your life. They are the tools you need to fix the confusion that comes with living in a world without meaning.
The Late Dr. Myles Munroe
Founder, Bahamas Faith Ministries
Nasssau, Bahamas

I have known and ministered with Dr. Bill Greenman for over 30 years and I can tell you that he lives this message of personal purpose. Bill brilliantly and pragmatically teaches us many of the keys of the Kingdom which become our blue prints to follow for the rest of our lives.
Dr. James Goll
President, God Encounters Ministries
Franklin, TN USA

One of the books that greatly impacted my ministry life was, “How To Find Your Purpose In Life,” by Bill Greenman. I devoured it, taught it to my children, and used its principles as foundation stones for my own ministry.
Dr. Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group
Keller, TX, USA

I’ve known Dr. Greenman and his teachings on Kingdom Purpose & Destiny for over 40 years. He has tackled one of the greatest dilemmas and struggles of our human experience – Why are we here? He has set many, many thousands free with his simple yet profound teachings and I highly recommend all of his materials.
Dr. Douglas Wingate
President, Life Christian University
Tampa, FL USA

Nobody equips you for your purpose with greater clarity and effectiveness than Bill Greenman. What I love is that he has proven his teachings over several decades in multiple countries, high school and college campuses, homeschoolers, CEOs, and stay-at-home moms. What God has given Bill absolutely works!
Jim Baker
Founder of Wealth With God
Pastor of Zion Christian Fellowship Columbus, OH USA


21 Video Lessons will take you step-by-step through the 80 page Course workbook. When you're finished you’ll have a written plan about who you are, what your Prophetic Blueprint is, and how you’re going to live it out!
This course answers the nagging questions of:
“What am I supposed to do with my life?”
“How can I be certain about my Blueprint?”
“Where do I start?”
Not sure yet?
Check out our FREE Lesson


Discover how to find your Prophetic Blueprint and how you fit in God's plan. The you'll learn how you fit into the seven spheres of societal influence.

Get to know the person of Holy Spirit, how to learn His language, and how to put the Kingdom Confirmation System to work for you.

We all have multiple gifts that make us perfect for the Prophetic Blueprint given us. In this set of lessons you will learn how to identify them and use them to the fullest.

Find out how your dreams and desires are not only vital to your Prophetic Blueprint, but are given to you by God to live out in confidence as you affect the seven spheres of influence
with His Kingdom.

Learn about the hidden, creative, power of planning to fulfill your Prophetic Blueprint. This is highly practical material you can
use immediately to get your Blueprint on track and
your destiny in motion.

Every one of us has a specific Blueprint, and for some it's to help others fulfill their purpose. Discover the power and joy of using the sower principle and the amazing gift of helps.

We all need help in life - especially when it comes to our Prophetic Blueprint. Here you'll learn how to confidently and concisely proclaim and publish your Kingdom vision so others can
join and help you on the journey.
I’m making this special introductory offer because I know there are many, many Christians who are in similar states of despair, confusion, pain, and aimlessness like I was in my youth. And if you are not one of them i want to help you hone your skills to an even sharper edge to accomplish you mission in this life for God’s Kingdom.
I want to help believers either avoid those things or make it through them like I and thousands like me have done over the last 4 decades.
I want to give them and you every chance to find and fulfill their Kingdom destiny.
So accordingly, we want to know about you or the group you may be a part of that is interested in our course. We tailor our pricing to individuals and groups as we know not everyone or every group is the same.
Therefore, my special introductory offer for you today includes the course and all of the following:
BONUS #1- The 10 Steps of A Kingdom Vision - e-Book
$47 value
This book describes the 10 phases every Blueprint and vision from God will go through. By knowing them in advance you will be much better prepared to walk them out in faith and confidence. Knowledge brings peace.
BONUS #2 - Our Covenant of Abundance - MP3 - $67 value
The Word of God is alive and active and never returns to Him without accomplishing what He sent it to do. This audio is filled with Bible verses confirming why and how God wants to prosper you. It also has a bonus section of amazing testimonies of God supplying both needs and wants.
BONUS #3 – Our Covenant of healing - MP3 - $67 value
Have you ever wanted to ask an expert that special question in your heart? This is your chance! You’ll have 30 minutes to hear me answer questions from the group from my 45 years of experience and knowledge base of studying and teaching people how to find and fulfill their God-given Blueprint.
Click here to get started with Your Prophetic Kingdom Blueprint Course!
Obviously we can’t keep this offer open forever as we fund our ministry projects and outreaches through the sale of these products. You can purchase your course and receive all of the downloadable and other bonuses today before this offer ends.

AND - we're so confident that our PROPHETIC KINGDOM BLUEPRINT videos will be a blessing to you that if you only watch the first 3 videos of the Discovery Course (that's just 1 hour total) within 30 days of your purchase, and you don't believe the content was helpful to you in any way, we'll give you 100% of your money back -
no questions asked!

We strive to make our course affordable for everyone so please click the special link on our STORE order page for further information.

Here's what you'll receive when you enroll :
21 Video Lessons Watchable On Any Device
7 Hours of Instruction
24/7 Unlimited Access
80 Page Workbook - Printed or PDF That's Writeable On Any Device
Over 40 Accelerated Learning Activity Pages
Increased Confidence
Clear Direction
Deeper Connection To God
Laser Focus On Your life
A Printable Version of Your Blueprint To Share With Others
And Much More!

Our High School Students Can Tell You:
"I was wondering about the dream I wanted to live - if it was possible. Then I took this course and I’ve gained so much more confidence than when I started it. I’ve learned how to plan and focus better on my dream. And I'd definitely recommend this to anyone struggling to find their purpose".
"I didn't feel prepared for my future before I took this course. I’m really glad I took this course – now I actually feel prepared for my future. I have a set of plans now, and I can look back on my workbook to help me when I need it."
"I was pretty full of doubt about myself. But now I feel I can succeed at anything! Since going through Dr. Bill's course I have a lot better understanding of what my purpose looks like and how to live it out."
"I needed help with focus for school and what I wanted to do in my life. I feel more confident in my self since taking Dr. Greenman’s course. It has given me the basic building blocks to work with in my life and taught me how to control my own life in a positive way."
To Recap - My special introductory offer for you today includes:
Remember to contact us for information about individual and group rates.
BONUS #1 -The 10 Steps of A Kingdom Vision - e-Book $47 value
BONUS #2 -Our Covenant of Abundance - MP3 - $67 value
BONUS #3 –Our Covenant of Healing - MP3 - $67 value
That's $180 in added bonus value!
All backed by our NO RISK 100% Money Back Guarantee!